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This WordPress Introduction for Contributors, Authors, and Editors walks students through the essential parts of WordPress. Each lesson is streamlined to teach a specific aspect of WordPress, helping you to focus on just what you need in order to get gain the knowledge of how to manage a WordPress site for your access level.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction:
    1. Thinking Like WordPress
    2. Dynamic vs. Static Websites
    3. Content Management Systems
    4. How WordPress Assembles Pages
    5. How WordPress Manages Content
    6. Try It
  2. Content Creation
    1. SEO and your content
    2. Your Editorial Calendar
    3. Topic Hunting
    4. How to Conduct Great Interviews
    5. Tools that make content creation easier
    6. Try It
  3. Planning Your Site for WordPress
    1. How Content Will Be Entered
    2. How Categories Will Be Organized
    3. How the Site Should Look
    4. Try It
  4. Admin Area Overview
    1. Logging In
    2. The Dashboard
    3. Customizing Admin Screens
    4. Getting Around the Admin Area
    5. Try It
  5. Basic Admin Settings
    1. Settings to Get You Started
    2. Setting Your Personal Profile
    3. Try It
  6. Adding a New Post — Overview
    1. Anatomy of a New Post
    2. Writing a Post
    3. Categories and Tags
    4. Publishing a Post
    5. Try It
  7. Working with the Text Editor
    1. Anatomy of the Text Editor
    2. Sizing the Text Editor
    3. Styling Text
    4. Working with Text Links
    5. Importing Text
    6. Try It
  8. Laying Out Text
    1. Styling Paragraphs
    2. Creating Lists
    3. Tips for Laying Out Posts
    4. Try It
  9. Advanced Post Options
    1. Advanced Options Overview
    2. Excerpts and the More Button
    3. Discussion and Comments
    4. Handling Revisions
    5. Try It
  10. Adding a New Page
    1. Pages vs. Posts
    2. The Add Page Options
    3. Creating Sub-Pages
    4. Try It
  11. The Basics of Handling Media Files
    1. The Media Library vs. Galleries
    2. The Upload/Insert Menu
    3. Inserting an Image into a Post
    4. Try It
  12. The Upload/Insert Window Tabs
    1. The From Computer Tab
    2. The From URL Tab
    3. The Gallery Tab
    4. The Media Library Tab
    5. Try It
  13. Image Options in Detail
    1. Titles, Captions, and Descriptions
    2. Linking Images
    3. Choosing an Alignment
    4. Choosing a Size
    5. Insert vs. Save
    6. Try It
  14. Editing and Laying Out Images
    1. Align and Resize — An Overview
    2. The Popup Image Editor
    3. Moving and Resizing in the Text Editor
    4. More Complex Image Layouts
    5. Updating an Image
    6. Try It
  15. Working with Image Galleries
    1. Creating an Image Gallery in a Post
    2. Adding and Removing Images from a Gallery
    3. Changing the Order or Size of Gallery Images
    4. Using Galleries from Other Posts
    5. Try It
  16. Adding Video and Audio
    1. Uploading/Inserting Video
    2. The Embed Media Button
    3. Adding Audio
    4. Try It
  17. Adding Documents
    1. Uploading and Inserting a Document
    2. What Types of Documents to Upload
    3. Updating a Document
    4. Try It
  18. Managing Posts and Pages
    1. Finding Posts and Pages
    2. Renaming, Rescheduling, and More with Quick Edit
    3. Using Bulk Edit
    4. Try It
  19. Managing Media Files
    1. Finding Files in the Media Library
    2. Editing and Deleting Media Files
    3. Admin Settings for Media
    4. Try It
  20. Managing Post Categories and Tags
    1. Managing Categories
    2. Managing Tags
    3. Try It
  21. Linking to Other Sites
    1. Managing Links
    2. Managing Link Categories
    3. Try It
  22. Managing Comments
    1. Allow Comments or Not?
    2. Finding Comments
    3. Approving, Editing, or Deleting Comments
    4. Dealing with Spam Comments
    5. Try It
  23. Connecting to Content on Other Sites
    1. Connecting to Your Social Media Accounts
    2. Adding Content Feeds from Other Sites
    3. Try It
  24. Helping Others Connect to Your Site
    1. RSS Feeds of Your Content
    2. Post and Page Permalinks
    3. Try It
  25. Having Multiple Site Users
    1. User Roles and Their Capabilities
    2. Changing a User Profile
    3. Try It
  26. Optimizing Your Content
    1. Writing Useful Titles
    2. Writing Useful Content
    3. Linking Effectively
    4. Tagging Images
    5. Try It