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Advantages Keywords – explain how a component of a product can help or be used. It also explains what the components of the product actually does. This is an ACTION oriented statement that also explains how your product helps to avoid problems

Use the “Advantage Keywords Builder Tool” and gather any previously collected marketing materials and your list of component keywords you identified earlier and create a list of advantages by asking the questions; How do the components help? How can the components be used or what do they actually do for my prospects. Use this information to create a list of your own advantages.

  1. Become familiar with the competition’s advantages
  2. Find out your advantage’s strengths, weaknesses, uses, and how they compare to your competitors’
  3. Consult your knowledge group
  4. Identify your top ten advantages
  5. Describe how advantage statements can be used to improve search engine results
  6. Identify possible keywords, long tail keywords, advantage keywords to improve internet marketing
  7. Create and update internet resources using keywords

Advantage Keywords Builder Tool

Asorbs, Abstracts, Accelerates, Accepts, Acclaims, Accommodates, Accompanies, Accomplishes, Accounts, Achieves, Acknowledge, Acquires, Activates, Acts, Actuates, Adapts, Addresses, Adjoins, Adjusts, Administers, Admits, Adopts, Advances, Advertises, Advises, Advocates, Affirms, Aids, Aligns, Allocates, Allots, Allows, Alters, Amends, Analyzes, Annexes, Answers, Anticipates, Appeals, Appends, Applies, Appoints, Appraises, Approaches, Appropriates, Balances, Bestows, Bolsters, Briefs, Broadens, Brought, Budgets, Built
Calculates, Cars, Centralizes, Certifies, Charges, Charters, Checks, Chose, Clarifies, Classifies, Coaches, Collaborates, Collects, Comforts, Communicates, Compares, Compels, Compiles, Completes, Complies, Composes, Computerizes, Computes, Conceives, Concludes, Condenses, Conducts, Confers, Confirms, Conserves, Considers, Consolidates, Constrains, Constructs, Consults, Consummates, Contracts, Contributes, Controls, Converts, Converts, Cooperates, Coordinates, Copies, Correlates, Counsels, Creates, Critiques, Cultivates
Dealt, Debates, Decides, Defers, Defines, Delegates, Delivers, Demonstrates, Describes, Designates, Designs, Detects, Determines, Develops, Devises, Diagnoses, Directs, Discharges, Discovers, Discriminates, Discuss, Dispatches, Dispenses, Displays, Disputes, Dissects, Documents, Doubles, Drafts, Drove
Eliminates, Elucidates, Embraces, Empathizes, Empowers, Enables, Endorses, Endows, Enforces, Engages, Enhances, Enlarges, Enlightens, Enlists, Ensures, Enunciates, Espouses, Establishes, Estimates, Evaluates, Examines, Excels, Excess, Executes, Exercises, Expands, Expects, Experiments, Explains, Explores, Express, Expresses, Extends, Extracts
Fabricates, Facilitate, Fashions, Finances, Finishes, Fixes, Follows, Forecasts, Foretold, Forms, Formulates, Fosters, Founds, Frequents, Funds, Furthers,, Gains, Gathers, Gave, Generates, Gives, Governs, Grants, Groups, Guarantees, Guides, Handles, Hastens, Heads, Helps, Hires, Honors
Identifies, Illuminates, Illustrates, Imagines, Imitates, Implements, Improves, Improvises, Inaugurates, Increases, Indexes, Indicates, Influences, Informs, Initiates, Inspects, Institutes, Insures, Integrates, Interprets, Interviews, Introduces, Inventories, Invents, Investigates, Joins, Jumps, Judges, Justifies, Keeps, Kills, Knows
Launches, Learns, Lectures, Lifts, Listens, Locates, Logs, Made, Maintains, Manages, Manipulates, Maps, Markets, Masters, Maximizes, Memorizes, Mentors, Met, Minimizes, Models, Modifies, Monitors, Motivates, Narrates, Negotiates, Nominates, Notifies, Observes, Obtains, Occupies, Offers, Officiates, Operates, Orders, Organizes, Originates, Overcame, Oversaw
Participates, Perceives, Perfects, Performs, Persists, Persuades, Petitions, Plans, Plays, Pleads, Plugs, Prepares, Presents, Prevents, Prioritizes, Probes, Process, Procures, Produces, Programs, Projects, Promises, Promotes, Pronounces, Propels, Proposes, Protects, Proves, Provides, Publicizes, Publishes, Purchases, Queries, Questions
Raises, Runs, Ranks, Ratifies, Rationalizes, Read, Reasons, Receives, Recognizes, Recommends, Reconciles, Records, Recruits, Rectifies, Refers, Regulates, Relates, Relies, Reorganizes, Replies, Reports, Represents, Requisitions, Researches, Reserves, Resolves, Responds, Restores, Revamps, Reviews, Revises
Sanctions, Scans, Schemes, Screens, Scrutinizes, Secures, Selects, Separates, Serves, Sets, goals, Set, up, Settles, Shapes, Simplifies, Sits, Skills, Solicits, Solves, Specializes, Spoke, Staffs, Standardizes, Starts, Stimulates, Strategies, Streamlines, Strengthens, Stresses, Studies, Substantiates, Success, Suggests, Summarizes, Supervises, Supports, Surveys, Sustains, Symbolizes, Synthesizes
Tabulates, Talks, Taught, Tests, Theorizes, Trains, Transacts, Translates, Uniformity, Upgrades, Upheld, Uses, Utilizes, Validates, Verifies, Visualizes, Voices, Wins, Write


Advantage Keywords Exercise

Advantage Keywords Exercise

Product – Poopourri

Advantage Keywords – traps, creates

Example: Traps those in embarrassing odors at the source by creating a film on the water’s surface.

    Your First Name (required)

    Your Last Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Create a list of Advantage Keywords for your product or service as directed by instructor

    Product or Service:

    Component Keyword:

    List all "Advantages in sentence format" that apply to the feature listed above.

    Enter each advantage sentence on a separate line


    Last updated – 04/10/2016