(951) 297-7677
Video Production for Social Media

Video has long been one of the most effective tools in a company’s marketing kit. Now, with the broadening of the Internet, video marketing for the Web is exploding! The business growth of online media today requires video production individuals to expand their roles beyond the traditional confines of technicians or creative professionals. They are a valuable part of the actual marketing process for the video content produced for their companies and clients. Learn how the Web and social media have become the catalyst for video production professionals to assume marketing responsibilities. You are taken from pre-production, sound and lighting to production, editing, post production, marketing and blogging, all the way through to your website launch and presentation

Course Outline

Prerequisite: None

Expected Learning Outcomes/Objectives:

Upon completion of this course participants will:

·           Launch an online video site

·           Assess and evaluate media from all aspects of video production (pre-production, production, post-production, selecting talent, web based video, selecting and managing a crew)

·           Demonstrate practical working knowledge of non-linear editing platforms

·           Prioritize and balance production workload (pre-production, visual effects, audio effects, lighting etc.)

·           Choose and evaluate talent and locations for productions

·           Assesses and evaluate the overall quality of video productions

·           Identify current and future employment opportunities in video production in various forms of the industry, including but not limited to multimedia, distance learning, education, and web design

·           Create an online show

·           Utilize Social Media marketing draw an audience to the online show


Week 1.       Using digital editing equipment

·           Digital Recording equipment

·           Shooting Techniques

·           Intro 3 point lighting  – homework

·           Intro to One Minute Video – homework

Week 2.       Online Presentation

·           Lighting and Sound

·           Storyboard, BROLL, and camera Angles

·           Introduction to Sound – homework

·           Using digital editing software to create your video (Part 1) and One minute Video

Week 3.       Using digital editing software to create your video

·           Adding transitions, effects music track, and titles to create a captivating show

·           Arrange sound and video into logical informational chunks

·           Importing digital images into your project

·           Creating a project from start to finish

·           Logging recorded camera footage

·           Choose fonts for dissemination of information for final video production

·           Export your finished project to digital project into various digital formats

Week 4.       Innovative ways to use video and social media to market to customers

·           Cameras and camera angles

·           How to set goals and objectives for finished video production

·           How to plan and create effective storyboards

·           Identify free and low cost resource pools for actors

·           Create an effective shooting schedule

·           Identify equipment and talent

Week 5.       Cost effective sound and lighting techniques

·           How to record audio for a field production

·           How to combine various forms of audio (naturals sound, voiceover, SFX, ambient noise) for final production

·           Evaluate and edit audio for final video production

·           Choose effective background music for final video production

·           Overview of lighting instruments

·           Set up and effectively implement lighting instruments using three-point lighting

Week 6.       Low Cost and High Effect e-Marketing for video production

·           Develop a basic marketing campaign for an individual production

·           Design and develop a segment poster

Week 7.       Production

·           Audioboo.fm

·           Creating a Blog

·           Posting your production to a blog


Week 8.       Production

Week 9.       Production Design and develop a 30-second teaser trailer

Week 10.    Website Launch and Presentation


Methods of Instruction/Teaching Method: Lecture, discussion, group activity, and video.

Text/Readings: None

Requirements, Evaluation and Grading Scale:

Exercises (25%)

Attendance (20%) – Students can not miss more than 2 days

Crew participation (30%) – Students will turn in a one-minute video interview production.

Short Video project (5%) – Students will work in groups to demonstrate interviewing concepts. Each student will produce their own 4-6 minute magazine styled show.  Failure to turn in segment equals automatic fail.

Final video project (20%) – Each student will develop a video production that will be due at the end of course. This project will be organized into a digital portfolio and will be part of the course blog. Failure to turn in equals automatic fail.


Revised:  April 16, 2015

Methods of Instruction/Teaching Method:

Lecture, hands-on coaching, group discussion, case studies, projects

Text/Reading: None

Academic Integrity

According to the University Of California Standards Of Conduct, all forms of academic misconduct are prohibited. Academic misconduct is an umbrella term applying to the various forms which include, but are not limited to:

  •  Cheating
  •  Plagiarism
  •  Unauthorized Collaboration
  •  Facilitating Academic Misconduct
  •  Fabrication
  •  Retaliation

The Academic Senate has approved a policy and set of procedures regarding how the University will address issues of academic misconduct. For more information for the procedures to follow in cases of misconduct or suspected misconduct please contact your academic department.





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