(305) 791-5287

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Contact Us

The Ultimate Professional, Inc. is a social media marketing, business skills, and computer training and networking company with over 25 years of experience of providing fun and interact training that is productive.  We provide in person and online training.


Kim “Kat” Shepherd
Phone:  (305) 791-5287

Email Us

12 + 2 =

“I was not bored. Kim was upbeat, encouraged questions and kept my attention. I took this class a couple of years ago and I was not looking forward to taking it again, but I’m glad I did. I enjoyed Kim’s teaching style and hope I get to take her for the advanced classes next month.”
Randy Tillman

Area Manager, AT&T

“The instructor made sure we understood the point of the exercises before continuing and wanted us to get hands on experience”
Gwen Thibeaux

Gwen Thibeaux, M.A. - Life Empowerment Trainer, http://gwenthibeaux.com/