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Types of Blog Post

Lesson objectives:

Identify types of blog post

In the previous exercise we classified “blog sites”. Within blog sites, you can use several types of blog post. Let your imagination soar in the open sky of possibilities, and there many.

“Interview post” is an example of a type of blog post.  “Interview post”  are easy content and is automatically created based upon interviewee, You don’t have to write as much.
For example  – http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/an-interview-with-annie-selke-apartment-therapy-design-evenings-187221


Read and Review “52 Types of Blog Posts that Are Proven to Work”  – http://www.problogger.net/archives/2011/09/03/52-types-of-blog-posts-that-are-proven-to-work/ the following is an abbreviated list.

  1. Audio blog posts
  2. Case studies
  3. Cheat sheets
  4. Checklists
  5. Comics
  6. Comparison posts
  7. Contests
  8. Controversial posts
  9. Crash courses/gathering posts
  10. Definition posts
  11. Draws
  12. Ebooks
  13. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) posts
  14. How-to video
  15. How-to/tutorial posts
  16. Icons and other graphical freebies
  17. Infographics
  18. Inspiring posts
  19. Interviews
  20. Interviews
  21. Interviews
  22. Jokes
  23. Mp3 files (as a podcast)
  24. News posts
  25. Open questions to your readers
  26. Parody posts
  27. Presentation video
  28. Presentations
  29. Presenting an existing debate
  30. Problems-and-solutions posts
  31. Profile posts
  32. Projects
  33. Quizzes
  34. Races
  35. Research posts
  36. Resource/link list posts
  37. Reviews
  38. SAQ (Should Ask Questions) posts
  39. Screencast
  40.  Software, tools, scripts, plugins, themes, services
  41. Special reports
  42. Standard list posts
  43. Starting a debate
  44. Stories
  45. Surveys and polls
  46. Talking head video
  47. Talks
  48. Teleseminars
  49. Twitter posts
  50. Webinars
  51. What if posts
  52. What others are saying posts