(951) 297-7677

New Age Viral Marketing - Workshop

Explore the opportunities for social networks to improve marketing, brand reputation, communications, research, and more.

New Age Viral Marketing  – Description

New Age Viral Marketing – How could you benefit from this course?
* Gain confidence
* Building credibility
* Showcasing your specialty
* Connection to your target audience
* Distinguishing yourself from the competition
* Create visibility and presence

New Age Viral marketing can help you to generate leads, create desire, and promote your brand. Viral marketing can take the form of e-books, video, games, email, text messages, and more. The New Age Viral Marketing course covers marketing techniques that use social networks to increase brand awareness by encouraging individuals to pass on marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the message’s exposure and influence.

Viral marketing techniques take advantage of social networks ability  to explode the message to throughout the Internet. Learn the secrets of social media viral marketing.


New Age Viral Marketing  – Workshop

Course Objectives:

  • Strategically Outline Your Products Selling Points
  • Perform Internet Research On Your Competition
  • Learn How Major Corporations Use Social Media Communication To Generate Revenue
  • Identify 25 Viral Marketing Techniques
  • Create A Viral Marketing Plan



New Age Viral Marketing Online Course Includes:



toolbox_64px Hands-on exercises

and student lab





global_64pxAccess to Online

Student Portal