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Sentiment Tool

At a loss for words? The decision to make a purchase is connected to sentiment, or how one feels about your product. Many, customers make purchases solely on emotion and then justify the purchase later.  But, I am sure this is not how you make your purchases.  Selling your product involves changing emotions.  Sentiments connected to your product impact the probability of purchases.  This tool will help you define your product’s sentiments.

This sentiment tool is just a guide and should be used to help you generate statements in complete sentences.  For instance, avoid using “saves money” alone. An alternative way, to make this statement would be to say “This affordable price helps to keep more money in your pocket for things like… (and list specific ways customers have stated they could use money saved)

Some thoughts in forming your sentiment statements.

  • What happens they don’t make a choice?
  • List examples of customer stories of success or failures due to inaction
  • What is in it for them?
  • Quote White papers, case studies, and industry reports
  • Spell out how they can be the hero

Gather any previously collected marketing materials and top ten advantages you identified earlier and create a list of sentiments.

  • Find out your product’s sentiments and how they compare to your competitors’
  • Consult your knowledge group
  • Identify your top ten sentiments
anxious, attracted, attractive, avid, beautiful, charisma, confident, craving, curious, desirous, eager, earnest, enchanted, enthusiastic, excited, fascinated, full of anticipation, healthier, hopeful, ideal, inquisitive, inspiring, interested, intrigued, keen, look your best, motivated, welcomed, younger, zealous
accomplished, achievements, admired, appreciated, best results, entitled, esteemed, exempt, expert, famous, favored, great, greatest, hall of fame, immune, master, pride, powerful, popular, privileged, recognized, respect, respected, revered, significant, social standing, supported, valued, worshiped
avoid mistakes by others, don’t waste your time, easy, easy to follow, fast results, easy, guaranteed, helpful, instant access, quickly, save time, step by step
accepted, adorable, adored, approved of, at ease, at ease, bold, brave, calm, certain, comfortable, composed, confident, courageous, daring, dauntless, desirable, determined, encouraged, enterprising, entrusted, no fear, saved, loved, overcome, peaceful, reassured, resolute, valued
fame, gain, luxury, millionaire, money, protect yourself, proven method, results, security, self-reliant
airy, amused, animated, attracting love, beautiful, blissful, blithe, bright, brisk, buoyant, charming, cheerful, cheery, comfortable, delicious, ecstatic, elated, enthusiastic, excited, exhilarated, exultant, festive, frisky, genial, glad, gleeful, great love, happy, healthy life style, high-spirited, hilarious, humorous, important, inspired, jolly, jovial, joyful, joyous, jubilant, lively, lucky, merry, mirthful, overjoyed, peaceful, playful, pleased, delightful, proud, rave, satisfied, secrets, seduction, self-satisfied, serene, sparkling, spirited, sunny, taste, temptation, terrific, thankful, thrill, trust, vivacious
ache, affliction, agony, burn, catch, convulsion, cramp, discomfort, distress, illness, stress, uncomfortable


Product Sentiment Exercise

Product Sentiment Exercise

    Your First Name (required)

    Your Last Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Create a list of Product Sentiments for your product or service as directed by instructor

    Product or Service:

    List all "Product Sentiment statements" that apply to the products or service listed above in sentence format.

    Enter each Product Sentiment on a separate line

    State Product Sentiment in sentence format:

    Product Sentiment Category:

    DesirePride and VanityLazinessFearSuccess and SecurityPleasure and Pain


    Quick Review Assignment:

    1. Think about the last purchase you made adn list three sentiments associated with that purchase
    2. Leave your answer as a comment below.

    Last Updated 04/10/16