(951) 297-7677

Sentiment Tool

Sentiment Tool At a loss for words? The decision to make a purchase is connected to sentiment, or how one feels about your product. Many, customers make purchases solely on emotion and then justify the purchase later.  But, I am sure this is not how you make your...
Component Keywords Tool

Component Keywords Tool

“Component Keywords” are the puzzle pieces, features, characteristics that define your products and services. Review your knowledge group (previous customers, coworkers, and competitors) to identify the top ten component keywords. You could use marketing...

Advantage Keywords Builder Tool

Advantages Keywords – explain how a component of a product can help or be used. It also explains what the components of the product actually does. This is an ACTION oriented statement that also explains how your product helps to avoid problems Use the...

Component Keywords – Exercise 001 Copy

Component Keywords - Review Component Keywords –   Exercise 001 – Basics Flash Cards Game Quiz   Component Keywords - Exercise 002 - Listing Component Keywords Component Keywords – Exercise – Listing Component Keywords Error: Contact form...