(951) 297-7677

Component Keyword and Content Creation Exercise

CASE 180 Learning Tools

Your goal is to identify “one” component then list as many advantages as you can and identify sentiments.

As a reference, you would normally, review and reference collected marketing materials for a product, service, or cause. You can also interview your knowledge group (previous customers, coworkers, and competitors) to identify the possible content keywords.  This exercise will help you collect content for your website, post, social media, brochures, marketing collateral, etc.

Possible Resources:

    Your First Name (required)

    Your Last Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Product or Service:

    Component Keyword:

    Please identify a component keyword for the above product or service:

    Advantage Keyword statements:

    Please list as many a advantage keyword statements for the above component keyword.

    Please enter each advantage keyword statement on a different line.

    Product Sentiment Category:

    Please check all that apply

    DesirePride and VanityLazinessFear
    Success and SecurityPleasure and Pain